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About the author, John Sleeper

John grew up in the foothills north of Los Angeles. He was a very active child, one of those who you never caught sitting still. He and his cousins, 25 at last count, would play outside making use of what they had lying about. They did not know they were poor and if anyone ever told them they were they would not have cared. They enjoyed each other’s company and never was the word bored used by any of them.

As he grew he collected memories and experiences like other children collected baseball cards. Through his school years and on into his military service in the US Navy he often thought of his many experiences and like many others he thought of writing a book about them.

John progressed through many phases during his life, the carefree childhood, rebellious adolescence, loving husband and father of 5, proud grandfather of 10, healer and finally author.

His first book to be published will be Taking Control which portrays his idea of how the world should be if we could take control of our lives and be answerable only to our conscience and morals. ‘Do unto others’ and ‘an eye for an eye’ are recurring themes in this first book. He is not an advocate of anarchy but neither is he in favor of big government. The idea that a community founded on good moral grounds will take care of its own was the concept for the book.

The idea that he should sit down and write the books he has conceptualized was given to him by his oldest granddaughter, Kayla. She also enjoys writing and it was during a conversation with her about this subject that the seed of authorship began to grow in him.

He wants everyone to enjoy his books and come away with a feeling of empowerment and confidence in themselves. He is fond of saying, “If you have a desire to do something that is off the beaten track, don’t be afraid. As long as it doesn’t hurt you or anyone else, go for it. You may never know what pleasure and joy you may find at the end of the path.”

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